9 Ultimate Muscle Building Workout at Home

Muscle Building Workout at Home is outstanding, continuous and well developed and does not need any special gym equipment. All it takes is little creativity and engagement to work out regularly. You can build muscles without professional tools. If you are looking for building muscles these are 9 ultimate muscles building workout at home.

muscle building

Complete this workout as a circuit .Do each of the exercise from the 1st category for 30 seconds then move on to next category until you get all of the exercise. Rest for 2 minutes and repeat.

running 1. Running:

Try to run about half an hour and try to increase 5 to 10 minutes every week.


2. Squats:

Stand with your feet slightly broader than your hips. Your toes should be sharp to some extent about 5 to 10 degree outward. Look straight ahead and choose a spot on the wall in front

push ups

  3. Push-ups:

When down on the floor, fix your hands at a distance that is slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Your feet should be set up in a way that feels good and appropriate to you. And   think of your body as one straight line from the top your head down through your heels. It also helps in building chest muscles.

                                     4. Dips:

dips Find parallel dip bars. Set your body between the dip bars and uplift yourself up so that your full body is resting on your arms. Contract your abs and keep your shoulders calm far below your ears. Lean your elbows back and rest and straighten your ar


5.Planks :

Place the arms on the floor with the elbows adjust beneath the shoulders arms alongside to the body at about shoulder width distance. If flats palms pain your wrist ,hold your hand together.


crunches 6. Crunches:

  Lie on your back with your knees bent and flat feet on the floor, hip width apart. Place your hands behind your head so your thumbs are behind your ears. Hold your elbows out to the sides but rounded slightly in.

walking lunges

7.Walking Lunges :

 Start standing with your feet, shoulder width apart and your hands  on your hips. Step ahead with one leg, lean the knees to drop your hips. Go down until your rear knee nearly touches the crash the floor.

plank jump ins

         8.plank jump-ins:

              Start in basic plank position, supporting you on your hands and                   toes. Fix your shoulder blades so that your upper body remains                   constant .Jump your feet in towards your hands then jump your                   feet back out into a plank and repeat.


9. Sit-ups:

 Work the side of your abs by doing inclined sit ups. Do bicycle sit ups to give your legs you have back pain to minimize strain to your back. a workout as well. Target your lower abdominal by doing reverse crunches. 


  1. wow thank you u very much . it was really helpful

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